It’s time to eradicate NPS because it’s the worst.

December 2003: The saddest month in
survey history

In December 2003, a horrible tragedy occurred. That month, a marketing consultant named Fred Reichheld published “The One Number You Need To Grow.”

And for some reason…
People believed him.

Since then, the field of survey science has never been the same.

December 2003 to Present Day: The NPS Dark Ages.

This website is dedicated to the eradication of NPS.

Why? Because it goes against every imaginable survey science principle.

Learn why NPS is the absolute f*ing worst in the resources section.

Present Day to a
Brighter Future Ahead

Once you’ve read up on why NPS is the absolute f*ing worst…

Discover better alternatives so you can ditch NPS for good.


Show your support by purchasing your anti-NPS merch!

“We can build a better survey future for our children” - Awesome researcher

“We can build a better survey future for our children” - Awesome researcher

"Let's just ask about satisfaction and keep it simple" - Another terrific researcher

"Let's just ask about satisfaction and keep it simple" - Another terrific researcher

“Why stop using NPS tomorrow if you can stop using it today?” - A totally different brilliant researcher

“Why stop using NPS tomorrow if you can stop using it today?” - A totally different brilliant researcher

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